fastly logging kafka update

Update a Kafka logging endpoint on a Fastly service version


--version <version>'latest', 'active', or the number of a specific version
--autocloneIf the selected service version is not editable, clone it and use the clone
--name <name>The name of the Kafka logging object
--service-id <service-id>Service ID (falls back to FASTLY_SERVICE_ID, then fastly.toml)
--service-name <service-name>The name of the service
--new-name <new-name>New name of the Kafka logging object
--topic <topic>The Kafka topic to send logs to
--brokers <brokers>A comma-separated list of IP addresses or hostnames of Kafka brokers
--compression-codec <compression-codec>The codec used for compression of your logs. One of: gzip, snappy, lz4
--required-acks <required-acks>The Number of acknowledgements a leader must receive before a write is considered successful. One of: 1 (default) One server needs to respond. 0 No servers need to respond. -1 Wait for all in-sync replicas to respond
--use-tlsWhether to use TLS for secure logging. Can be either true or false
--tls-ca-cert <tls-ca-cert>A secure certificate to authenticate the server with. Must be in PEM format
--tls-client-cert <tls-client-cert>The client certificate used to make authenticated requests. Must be in PEM format
--tls-client-key <tls-client-key>The client private key used to make authenticated requests. Must be in PEM format
--tls-hostname <tls-hostname>The hostname used to verify the server's certificate. It can either be the Common Name or a Subject Alternative Name (SAN)
--format <format>Apache style log formatting. Your log must produce valid JSON that Kafka can ingest
--format-version <format-version>The version of the custom logging format used for the configured endpoint. Can be either 2 (default) or 1
--placement <placement>Where in the generated VCL the logging call should be placed, overriding any format_version default. Can be none or waf_debug
--response-condition <response-condition>The name of an existing condition in the configured endpoint, or leave blank to always execute
--parse-log-keyvalsParse key-value pairs within the log format
--max-batch-size <max-batch-size>The maximum size of the log batch in bytes
--use-saslEnable SASL authentication. Requires --auth-method, --username, and --password to be specified
--auth-method <auth-method>SASL authentication method. Valid values are: plain, scram-sha-256, scram-sha-512
--username <username>SASL authentication username. Required if --auth-method is specified
--password <password>SASL authentication password. Required if --auth-method is specified