doctl compute

Display commands that manage infrastructure


actionDisplay commands for retrieving resource action history
cdnDisplay commands that manage CDNs
certificateDisplay commands that manage SSL certificates and private keys
domainDisplay commands that manage domains
dropletManage virtual machines (Droplets)
droplet-actionDisplay Droplet action commands
firewallDisplay commands to manage cloud firewalls
floating-ipDisplay commands to manage floating IP addresses
floating-ip-actionDisplay commands to associate floating IP addresses with Droplets
imageDisplay commands to manage images
image-actionDisplay commands to perform actions on images
load-balancerDisplay commands to manage load balancers
regionDisplay commands to list datacenter regions
sizeList available Droplet sizes
snapshotAccess and manage snapshots
sshAccess a Droplet using SSH
ssh-keyDisplay commands to manage SSH keys on your account
tagDisplay commands to manage tags
volumeDisplay commands to manage block storage volumes
volume-actionDisplay commands to perform actions on a volume