ddev d

A collection of debugging commands


capabilitiesShow capabilities of this version of ddev
check-db-matchVerify that the database in the ddev-db server matches the configured type/version
compose-configPrints the docker-compose configuration of the current project
configyamlPrints the project config.*.yaml usage
dockercheckDiagnose DDEV docker/colima setup
download-imagesDownload all images required by ddev
fix-commandsFix up custom/shell commands without running ddev start
get-volume-db-versionGet the database type/version found in the ddev-dbserver's database volume, which may not be the same as the configured database type/version
migrate-databaseMigrate a mysql or mariadb database to a different dbtype:dbversion; works only with mysql and mariadb, not with postgres
mutagenAllows access to any mutagen command
nfsmountChecks to see if nfs mounting works for current project
refreshRefreshes docker cache for project
router-nginx-configPrints the nginx config of the router
testRun diagnostics on ddev using the embedded test_ddev.sh script