cargo tree

Display a tree visualization of a dependency graph


--manifest-path <manifest-path>Path to Cargo.toml
-p, --package <package...>
  • Repeatable ♾
--exclude <exclude>
  • Repeatable ♾
--features <features...>
  • Repeatable ♾
--target <target>
  • Repeatable ♾
-e, --edges <edges>
  • Repeatable ♾
-i, --invert <invert...>
  • Repeatable ♾
--prune <prune>
  • Repeatable ♾
--depth <depth>Maximum display depth of the dependency tree
--prefix <prefix>Change the prefix (indentation) of how each entry is displayed
--charset <charset>Character set to use in output: utf8, ascii
-f, --format <format>Format string used for printing dependencies
--color <color>Coloring: auto, always, never
--config <config>
  • Repeatable ♾
-Z <unstable-features>
  • Repeatable ♾
-q, --quietDo not print cargo log messages
--workspaceDisplay the tree for all packages in the workspace
-a, --all
--all-featuresActivate all available features
--no-default-featuresDo not activate the `default` feature
--no-dedupeDo not de-duplicate (repeats all shared dependencies)
-d, --duplicatesShow only dependencies which come in multiple versions (implies -i)
-V, --version
-h, --helpPrint help information
-v, --verbose
  • Repeatable ♾
--frozenRequire Cargo.lock and cache are up to date
--lockedRequire Cargo.lock is up to date
--offlineRun without accessing the network