aws lightsail get-container-log

Returns the log events of a container of your Amazon Lightsail container service. If your container service has more than one node (i.e., a scale greater than 1), then the log events that are returned for the specified container are merged from all nodes on your container service. Container logs are retained for a certain amount of time. For more information, see Amazon Lightsail endpoints and quotas in the AWS General Reference


--service-name <string>The name of the container service for which to get a container log
--container-name <string>The name of the container that is either running or previously ran on the container service for which to return a log
--start-time <timestamp>The start of the time interval for which to get log data. Constraints: Specified in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Specified in the Unix time format. For example, if you wish to use a start time of October 1, 2018, at 8 PM UTC, specify 1538424000 as the start time. You can convert a human-friendly time to Unix time format using a converter like Epoch converter
--end-time <timestamp>The end of the time interval for which to get log data. Constraints: Specified in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Specified in the Unix time format. For example, if you wish to use an end time of October 1, 2018, at 9 PM UTC, specify 1538427600 as the end time. You can convert a human-friendly time to Unix time format using a converter like Epoch converter
--filter-pattern <string>The pattern to use to filter the returned log events to a specific term. The following are a few examples of filter patterns that you can specify: To return all log events, specify a filter pattern of "". To exclude log events that contain the ERROR term, and return all other log events, specify a filter pattern of "-ERROR". To return log events that contain the ERROR term, specify a filter pattern of "ERROR". To return log events that contain both the ERROR and Exception terms, specify a filter pattern of "ERROR Exception". To return log events that contain the ERROR or the Exception term, specify a filter pattern of "?ERROR ?Exception"
--page-token <string>The token to advance to the next page of results from your request. To get a page token, perform an initial GetContainerLog request. If your results are paginated, the response will return a next page token that you can specify as the page token in a subsequent request
--cli-input-json <string>Performs service operation based on the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the format provided by ``--generate-cli-skeleton``. If other arguments are provided on the command line, the CLI values will override the JSON-provided values. It is not possible to pass arbitrary binary values using a JSON-provided value as the string will be taken literally
--generate-cli-skeleton <string>Prints a JSON skeleton to standard output without sending an API request. If provided with no value or the value ``input``, prints a sample input JSON that can be used as an argument for ``--cli-input-json``. If provided with the value ``output``, it validates the command inputs and returns a sample output JSON for that command