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Zsh Sdkman

Zsh plugin to provide aliases and completion scripts for sdkman

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9 forks

Sdkman Zsh plugin

This sdkman plugin aims at making sdkman usage easier with completion scripts.

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zsh-sdkman is not bundled with ZSH, so you need to install it.


This plugin can be installed by adding antigen bundle matthieusb/zsh-sdkman to your .zshrc file. Antigen will handle cloning the plugin for you automatically the next time you start zsh. You can also add the plugin to a running ZSH session with antigen bundle matthieusb/zsh-sdkman for testing before adding it to your .zshrc.


This plugin can be installed by adding zgen load matthieusb/zsh-sdkman to your .zshrc file in the same function you're doing your other zgen load calls in. Zgen will automatically clone the repositories for you when you do a zgen save.

Simple Oh-My-Zsh/Manual install

Go to your oh-my-zsh folder and then in custom/plugins and clone this repository:

git clone

And then, add to to your .zshrc plugin list like this:

plugins=(... zsh-sdkman)

note: cloning of zsh-sdkman requires the Git Large File Storage Git extension.


There are several packages that you'll need for this plugin to work:

  • sdkman of course
  • date
  • grep and egrep
  • sed
  • awk


First launch and completion update

On first launch, the script has to compute a few things in order to make the completion scripts work. It can take a while (I'd say five minutes tops) to be done so be patient. This operation is repeated every 12 hours automatically.

IMPORTANT: if you do new installations on your sdkman candidate or just play around with new versions, uninstallations or updates, DON'T FORGET to refresh the completion script files with the following command:


Usage help

Sdkman can be used as usual:

Usage: sdk <command> [candidate] [version]
       sdk offline <enable|disable>

       install   or i    <candidate> [version]
       uninstall or rm   <candidate> <version>
       list      or ls   [candidate]
       use       or u    <candidate> [version]
       default   or d    <candidate> [version]
       current   or c    [candidate]
       upgrade   or ug   [candidate]
       version   or v
       broadcast or b
       help      or h
       offline           [enable|disable]
       selfupdate        [force]
       flush             <broadcast|archives|temp>

   candidate  :  the SDK to install: groovy, scala, grails, gradle, kotlin, etc.
                 use list command for comprehensive list of candidates
                 eg: $ sdk list

   version    :  where optional, defaults to latest stable if not provided
                 eg: $ sdk install groovy

Some aliases are available through this plugin:

alias sdki='sdk install'
alias sdkun='sdk uninstall'
alias list='sdk list'
alias sdku='sdk use'
alias sdkd='sdk default'
alias sdkc='sdk current'
alias sdkup='sdk upgrade'
alias sdkv='sdk version'
alias sdkb='sdk broadcast'
alias sdko='sdk offline'
alias sdksu='sdk selfupdate'
alias sdkf='sdk flush'


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