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OZono Zsh Theme

🌏 OZ0NO - Let's Breathe a clean ZSH

9 stars
3 forks

🌏 OZ0NO 🌎

Let's Breathe a clean ZSH

An “Oh My ZSH!” theme with support for Node.js envs, OS switching, Git Status & some fine tuning for JS enviroments.


To work correctly you will first need to have the following installed:

  • “Oh My ZSH!” or a compatible framework like Antigen or Zgen
  • nvm If you want see the node prompt. (Your project needs to have a package.json file also)
  • Nerd font installed on your OS. (It provides the fancy icons)


Installation for Antigen users

Add antigen bundle sfabrizio/ozono-zsh-theme to your .zshrc file. Antigen will handle cloning the plugin for you automatically the next time you start zsh. You can also temporarily add the plugin to a running zsh with antigen bundle sfabrizio/ozono-zsh-theme for testing before adding it to your .zshrc.

Installation for Zgen users

Add zgen load sfabrizio/ozono-zsh-theme to your .zshrc file in the same function you're doing your other zgen load calls in. Zgen will automatically clone the repositories for you when you do a zgen save.

Installation for Oh-My-Zsh users

Easy Install

If you have a standard oh-my-zsh config this should work fine -> 💫✨

Install using curl:

curl -o - | zsh

Install using wget:

wget -O - | zsh

Manual install

In case that the easy install doesn't work for you -> 💥🙈 Please feel free to open an issue

  1. Download the theme file here or just run:

    curl -o -
  2. Rename ozono-theme.zsh to ozono-theme.zsh-theme like this:

    mv ozono-theme.zsh ozono-theme.zsh-theme
  3. Move the ozono-theme.zsh-theme file to $ZSH_CUSTOM/themes/:

    mv ozono-theme.zsh-theme $ZSH_CUSTOM
  4. Add/edit the line in your ~/.zshrc: ZSH_THEME="ozono"

  5. Reload your zsrc config:

    source ~/.zshrc

New Features

Do you feel that ozono needs more features? Create an issue! Your ideas are welcome -> 💡s = 😁

If you have any issues please let me know.. I'd like to help -> 🤓

Contributors would be great also! 🙌


  • document how to customize.


ozono-zsh-theme is released under the MIT license.

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