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NT9 (lenguyenthanh)

A clean, distraction free and git focused development theme for Oh-my-zsh

30 stars
8 forks

Nt9 oh-my-zsh theme

A clean, distraction free and git focused development theme for oh-my-zsh shell.

It currently shows:

  • Show the location from git's root folder (when in a git repo) or show from home ~
  • Show current sha()
  • Show current branch name
  • Show current branch state (dirty, add, remove, delete…)
  • Show time from last commit


Nt9 Preview


  1. Download the theme here

  2. Put the file nt9.zsh-theme in $ZSH_CUSTOM/themes/

  3. Configure the theme in your ~/.zshrc file:



This theme is highly inspired by the following themes: