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Zsh PG

A ZSH plugin with utility functions to work with PostgreSQL.

18 stars
3 forks

zsh-pg Build Status

A ZSH plugin with utility functions to work with PostgreSQL.


  • pg create <name>: create a database
  • pg drop <name>: drop a database
  • pg ls: list databases
  • pg cp <origin> <target>: make a copy of a database
  • pg mv <origin> <target>: rename a database
  • pg kill-connections <database>: kill all connections to a database
  • pg dump-table <database> <table> > file.sql: dump table data (in form of inserts) into the file.sql


Using antibody:

$ antibody bundle caarlos0/zsh-pg

Using antigen:

$ antigen bundle caarlos0/zsh-pg

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