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Zsh Completion Generator

Plugin that generates completion functions automatically from getopt-style help texts

239 stars
25 forks


Plugin that generates completion functions automatically from getopt-style help texts.


Writing completion functions is boring, plus they can break when the software updates the CLI. This plugin tries to parse the help text of the given commands and generate a completion function automatically.

It's a best-effort service, not guaranteed to work in all cases. Completion functions which are already present (and most likely better) are not overridden by this plugin.

How to use

Provide default program list.

The plugin will create completions for those programs at load time, once. You can also generate completions from the shell, by using provided gencomp function:

$ gencomp ggrep
$ source ~/.zshrc # or run `compinit'
$ ggrep -*[TAB]* -> magic
