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Colorize command output using grc and lscolors

56 stars
10 forks


License GitHub stars GitHub last commit (branch) Superlinter Awesomebot

Table of Contents

Colorize command output using grc (when present) and lscolors.



Add zgenom load unixorn/warhol.plugin.zsh to your .zshrc with your other load commands.


Add antigen bundle unixorn/warhol.plugin.zsh to your .zshrc


If you're using oh-my-zsh:

  1. In the command line, change to oh-my-zsh's custom plugin directory :

    cd ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/

  2. Clone the repository into a new warhol directory in your custom plugins:

    git clone warhol

  3. Edit your ~/.zshrc and add warhol.plugin.zsh – same as clone directory – to the list of plugins to enable:

    plugins=( ... warhol )

  4. Then, restart your terminal application to refresh context and use the plugin. Alternatively, you can source your current shell configuration:

    source ~/.zshrc

Without using any frameworks

  1. git clone
  2. Add its bin directory to your $PATH. If you're using ZSH, you can just add source /path/to/clone/of/warhol.plugin.zsh to your .zshrc file.

The scripts in here don't actually require you to be using ZSH as your login shell, they're being distributed as a zgen plugin because that's convenient.


Customizing LSCOLORS for macOS/BSD and LS_COLORS for Linux is a hassle. It's even more of a hassle to keep them in sync across macOS/BSD and Linux.

Fortunately, Geoff Greer made an online tool that makes it easy to customize your color scheme and keep them in sync across Linux and OS X/*BSD available online at lscolors.

I've included my LSCOLORS and LS_COLORS settings in this plugin, but they won't be applied if you already have set LSCOLORS or LS_COLORS.

The easiest way to change them if you use a ZSH framework is to redeclare the variables in your .zshrc after your framework loads your plugins.