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PHP Version RC File Switcher

A simple zsh plugin for the shell tool "php-version" to automatically switch between php versions if an rc-file is present

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This repository is no longer maintained!

alternative stack for PHP version managment in use:

use_php-version() {
  local php_version=$1

  phpversion_sh=$(brew --prefix php-version)/
  if [[ -e $phpversion_sh ]]; then
    source $phpversion_sh
    php-version $php_version

tested on macOS Big Sur (11.6.5)

What is this repository for?

This Repo includes an simple zsh plugin for the shell command php-version to automatically switch between php versions if an rc-file is present. This was heavily inspired by the rvm switch for .rvmrc files.


  • zsh (duh) and oh-my-zsh (for plugin compatibility)
  • php-version (used for the zsh plugin to automatically switch between php versions)
  • see GitHub: wilmoore/php-version


  • Add the plugin into your zsh custom folder
  • See the documentation from GitHub: robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh
  • Add the plugin to your .zshrc and define an default PHP version to switch back to if there is no .phpvrc file:

  • create an rc file with the name: .phpvrc and include the version, e.g.: 7.2

Where does it run?

This plugin was developed and tested on macOS Mojave (11.14) to work with zsh, brew and php-version. For everything else you get an "maybe".


Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0