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Fzf Automagic Install

ZSH plugin to enable fzf searches of a lot more stuff - docker, tmux, homebrew and more.

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This ZSH plugin enables using fzf to search your command history and do file searches.

It will automagically install fzf into your home directory if it isn't already there, and bind ^R to an fzf-powered search of your command history.

Created for the zsh-quickstart-kit to make the default setup have a more 'batteries included' feel.


Name Description Author
asdf-install Install one or more versions of the specified language with fzf and installs your selection with asdf fzf wiki
asdf-uninstall Select one or more versions of the specified language with fzf and uninstalls your selection with asdf fzf wiki
chrome-bookmark-browser Rummages through your Chrome bookmarks with fzf and opens the selected bookmark(s) in your default browser fzf wiki
d-attach Uses fzf to select docker containers to start and attach to. From the fzf wiki
d-image-rm Uses fzf to select docker images to remove. From the fzf wiki
d-rm Uses fzf to select docker containers to remove. From the fzf wiki
d-stop-container Stop a Docker container.
falias Searches your ZSH aliases, then puts your selection on the mac clipboard (macOS only)
fif Uses fzf and rg to find a term in files Boost Your Command-Line Productivity With Fuzzy Finder
fzf-brew-cask-install Uses fzf to select programs to install (or show the home page) based on the output of brew cask search Boost Your Command-Line Productivity With Fuzzy Finder
fzf-brew-cask-uninstall Uses fzf to select brew-installed programs to delete (or show the home page) Boost Your Command-Line Productivity With Fuzzy Finder
fzf-brew-install Uses fzf to select programs to install based on the output of brew search Boost Your Command-Line Productivity With Fuzzy Finder
fzf-brew-uninstall Uses fzf to select brew-installed programs to delete Boost Your Command-Line Productivity With Fuzzy Finder
fzf-brew-update Uses fzf to select brew-installed programs to update Boost Your Command-Line Productivity With Fuzzy Finder
fzf-find-edit Uses fzf to select files (displaying previews) to edit with $EDITOR Boost Your Command-Line Productivity With Fuzzy Finder
fzf-git-branch Uses fzf to select a branch name in a git repository for use in scripts From Mark Nielsen's Fuzzy Git Checkout article
fzf-git-checkout Uses fzf to check out a branch in a git repository From Mark Nielsen's Fuzzy Git Checkout article
fzf-grep-edit Uses fzf to select files (displaying previews) that contain a search term to edit with $EDITOR Boost Your Command-Line Productivity With Fuzzy Finder
fzf-kill Uses fzf to select processes to kill Boost Your Command-Line Productivity With Fuzzy Finder
lessfilter-fzf A less pre-processor to nicely display a wide range of file formats, including images and directories that can be used to show fzf previews (see Customization section). Aloxaf/fzf-tab - Wiki/Preview
pr-list Use fzf to select a PR using gh ?
tm Uses fzf to search for a tmux session or create one if there are no matches. From the fzf wiki
tmux-kill Uses fzf to select a tmux session and kill it. From the fzf wiki
tmux-search Uses fzf to select a tmux session. Skips fzf if there's only one match, exits if no match. From the fzf wiki
vagrant-box-search Uses fzf to select a vagrant box and connect to it with ssh. From the fzf wiki

(optional) Install recommended tools

Optionally, to make the most out of fzf preview (? toggle), install the following tools and enable the advanced preview (see Customization section):

  • exa - improved file/directory listing,
  • bat - a cat clone with syntax highlighting and Git integration,
  • chafa - show images (the image can look better or worse depending on the terminal app you use),
  • exiftool - also show image metadata,
  •, e.g. brew install lesspipe - and other optional tools relies on. See
    Note: This is not the lesspipe already bundled in Ubuntu/Debian but an improved one (while package is called lesspipe, the binary is


You can customize a few features by exporting the following environment variables in your init script (.zshrc/.bashrc or similar):

Export variable Description
export FZF_PREVIEW_ADVANCED=true Use less viewer with a pre-processor to display improved previews for a wide range of files (requires you to install at least exa, bat, chafa, exiftool; and very recommended and the tools it uses underneath: mdcat, in2csv,…). This is an opt-in feature.
export FZF_PREVIEW_WINDOW='' Set any value supported by fzf --preview-window option, e.g. right:65%:nohidden will show the preview by default.
export FZF_PATH='' Path to install fzf binary and script, e.g. ${HOME}/.config/fzf.

A note on lessfilter-fzf

You can also use it as a general less preprocessor to extend the less capabilities. To do that, place the following in your shell init scripts (.zshrc/.bashrc or equivalent):

export LESSOPEN='| lessfilter-fzf %s'

Ultimately, (if present) will still honor your own lessfilter if found in your PATH, leading to the following execution: lessfilter-fzf > > lessfilter.

Other FZF resources