This projects aims at gathering/developing new completion scripts that are not available in Zsh yet. The scripts may be contributed to the Zsh project when stable enough.
Adds completions for the following tools:
afew android archlinux-java artisan atach bitcoin-cli bower bundle caffeinate cap cask ccache cf choc chromium cmake coffee composer conan concourse console cppcheck dad debuild dget dhcpcd diana docpad drush ecdsautil emulator envdir exportfs fab fail2ban-client ffind fleetctl flutter force fwupdmgr gas ghc gist git-flow git-journal git-pulls git-revise git-wtf glances golang google gpgconf gtk-launch hello hledger homestead httpie ibus include-what-you-use inxi jmeter jmeter-plugins jonas jrnl kak kitchen knife language codes lilypond lunchy mc middleman mina mix mssh mussh mvn nano nanoc nftables node nvm openssl openvpn3 optirun opustools patool perf periscope pgsql utils phing pixz pkcon play pm2 port protoc pygmentize qmk rails ralio redis-cli rfkill rkt rmlint rslsync rspec rsvm rubocop sbt scala scrub sdd setcap sfdx shellcheck showoff srm stack subl subliminal supervisorctl svm tarsnap teamocil thor tmuxinator tmuxp tox trash-empty trash-list trash-put trash-restore udisksctl ufw vagrant virtualbox vnstat wemux wg-quick xinput xsel yaourt yarn zcash-cli