Name | Description |
build | Build an npm package |
help | Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) |
login, adduser, add-user | Add an npm registry user account |
new | Create a new project with a template |
pack | Create a tarball of the npm package (does not publish) |
publish | Pack and publish a package to npm |
test | Run tests for WebAssembly module |
Name | Description |
--help, -h | Show help for wasm-pack or for the given subcommand(s) |
--quiet, -q | Suppress output from stdout |
--version, -V | Show version for wasm-pack |
--verbose, -v | Log verbosity is based off the number of v used |
--log-level, -l <log-level> | The maximum level of messages that should be logged by wasm-pack |