
Fig autocomplete for VTEX IO's CLI - VTEX IO's CLI allows you to perform any action necessary to your development process, such as linking local files to the VTEX platform, managing workspaces, and releasing new app versions


addAdds the specified app(s) to the manifest's dependencies
autoupdateAutomatically updates VTEX IO's CLI
browseOpens the URL relative to your current workspace and account in a new browser window
configEnv Configuration
debug dotnetDebug .NET applications (IDEs only)
deployPublishes an app as a stable version. Only works for apps previously published as a release candidate version [see vtex publish --help]
deprecateDeprecates the specified app, uninstalling and downgrading it to the latest stable version in every VTEX account
depsDisplays the differences between the dependencies of two distinct workspaces. If a single parameter is passed, the specified workspace's dependencies are compared with the master's. If no parameter is passed, the diff is made between the current workspace and master
editionDisplays the Edition App version installed on the current account
helpDisplays help for VTEX CLI commands
infraInfra service
initCopies starting files and folders from VTEX boilerplates into your local directories
installInstalls an app on the current workspace. If not specified which one, it defaults to the app in the current directory
lighthouseRuns a Lighthouse audit over the specified URL
lhRuns a Lighthouse audit over the specified URL
linkSyncs the app in the current directory with the development workspace in use
listLists the apps installed on the current workspace and account
local tokenPrints the user's auth token and copies it to the clipboard
loginLogin to a VTEX account
logoutLogs out of the current VTEX account
logsShows logs of an app. (Only apps in production.)
publishPublishes the app in the current directory as a release candidate version
redirectsRedirects from the current account and workspace
release(Only for git users.) Bumps the app version, commits, and pushes to remote the app in the current directory
settingsVTEX CLI Settings
setupSets up typings and tools for the current development environment
submitSubmits the current app, or an specified one, to validation from VTEX App Store team
supportLogs in as support to another VTEX account
switchSwitches to another VTEX account
testRuns unit tests for the app in the current directory
undeprecateReestablishes a deprecated version of an app as a stable version
uninstallUninstalls an app from the current workspace. If not specified which app to uninstall, it defaults to the app in the current directory
unlinkUnlinks an app from the current workspace. If not specified which app to unlink, it defaults to the app in the current directory
updateUpdates all installed apps to the latest (minor or patch) version. Does not upgrade to another major version
urlPrints base URL for the current account and workspace
whoamiPrints the current account, workspace, environment, and login details
workspaceWorkspace from the current account


--help, -hShow help for command