vsce publish

Publishes an extension


-p, --pat <token>Personal Access Token (defaults to VSCE_PAT environment variable)
-t, --target <target...>Target architecture
-m, --message <commit message>Commit message used when calling `npm version`
--no-git-tag-versionDo not create a version commit and tag when calling `npm version`. Valid only when [version] is provided
--no-update-package-jsonDo not update `package.json`. Valid only when [version] is provided
-i, --packagePath <paths...>Publish the provided VSIX packages
--githubBranch <branch>The GitHub branch used to infer relative links in README.md. Can be overridden by --baseContentUrl and --baseImagesUrl
--gitlabBranch <branch>The GitLab branch used to infer relative links in README.md. Can be overridden by --baseContentUrl and --baseImagesUrl
--baseContentUrl <url>Prepend all relative links in README.md with this url
--baseImagesUrl <url>Prepend all relative image links in README.md with this url
--yarnUse yarn instead of npm (default inferred from presence of yarn.lock or .yarnrc)
--no-yarnUse npm instead of yarn (default inferred from lack of yarn.lock or .yarnrc)
--ignoreFile <path>Indicate alternative .vscodeignore
--no-dependenciesDisable dependency detection via npm or yarn
--pre-releaseMark this package as a pre-release