
A terminal multiplexer


a, at, attach, attach-sessionAttach to last session
bind, bind-keyBind a key to a command
breakp, break-paneBreak a pane from an exiting into a new window
capturep, capture-paneCapture the contents of a pane to a buffer
choose-bufferPut a pane into buffer choice mode
choose-clientPut a pane into buffer client mode
choose-treePut a pane into buffer tree mode
clearhist, clear-historyRemove and clear history for a pane
clock-modeEnter clock mode
command-promptOpen the tmux command prompt in a client
confirm, confirm-beforeRun a command but ask for confirmation before
copy-modeEnter copy mode
deleteb, delete-bufferDelete a paste buffer
detach, detach-clientDetach a client from the server
menu, display-menuDisplay menu on target-client
display, display-messageDisplay a message in the status line
displayp, display-panesDisplay an indicator for each visible pane
findw, find-windowSearch for a pattern in windows
has, has-sessionCheck and report if a session exists on the server
if, if-shellExecute a tmux command if a shell-command succeeded
joinp, join-pane, movep, move-paneSplit a pane and move an existing one into the new space
killp, kill-paneDestroy a given pane
kill-serverKill clients, session and server
kill-ses, kill-sessionKill/delete sessions
killw, kill-windowDestroy a given window
lastp, last-paneSelect the previously selected pane
last, last-windowSelect the previously selected window
linkw, link-windowLink a window to another
lsb, list-buffersList paste buffers of a session
lsc, list-clientsList clients attached to a server
lscm, list-commandsList supported sub-commands
lsk, list-keysList all key-bindings
lsp, list-panesList panes of a window
ls, list-sessionsList sessions managed by a server
lsw, list-windowsList windows of a session
loadb, load-bufferLoad a file into a paste buffer
lockc, lock-clientLock a client
lock, lock-serverLock all clients attached to the server
locks, lock-sessionLock all clients attached to a session
movew, move-windowMove a window to another
new, new-sessionCreate a new session
neww, new-windowCreate a new window
nextl, next-layoutMove a window to the next layout
next, next-windowMove to the next window in a session
pasteb, paste-bufferInsert a paste buffer into the window
pipep, pipe-panePipe output from a pane to a shell command
prevl, previous-layoutMove a window to the previous layout
prev, previous-windowMove to the previous window in a session
refresh, refresh-clientRefresh a client
rename, rename-sessionRename a session
renamew, rename-windowRename a window
resizep, resize-paneResize a pane
resizew, resize-windowResize a window
respawnp, respawn-paneReactivate a pane in which a command has exited
respawnw, respawn-windowReactivate a window in which a command has exited
rotatew, rotate-windowRotate positions of panes in a window
run, run-shellExecute a command without create a new window
saveb, save-bufferSave a paste buffer to a file
selectl, select-layoutChoose a layout for a pane
selectp, select-paneMake a pane the active one in the window
selectw, select-windowSelect a window
send, send-keysSend key(s) to a window
send-prefixSend the prefix key to a window
info, server-infoShow every session, window, pane, etc
setb, set-bufferSet content of a paste buffer
setenv, set-environment(Un)set an environment variable
set-hookSet a hook to a command
set, set-optionSet a session option
setw, set-window-optionSet a window option
showb, show-bufferDisplay the contents of a paste buffer
showenv, show-environmentDisplay the environment
show-hooksShow the global list of hooks
showmsgs, show-messagesShow client's message log
show, show-optionsShow session options
showw, show-winsow-optionsShow window options
source, source-fileExecute tmux commands from a file
splitw, split-windowSplits a pane into two
start, start-serverStart a tmux server
suspendc, suspend-clientSuspend a client
swapp, swap-paneSwap two panes
swapw, swap-windowSwap two windows
switchc, switch-clientSwitch the client to another session
unbind, unbind-keyUnbind a key
unlinkw, unlink-windowUnlink a window
wait, wait-forWait for an event or trigger it