surreal start [path]

Start the database server


pathDatabase path used for storing data [env: DB_PATH=] [default: memory]


--Everything after this is an argument
--addr <addr>The allowed networks for master authentication [env: ADDR=] [default:]
--bind, -b <bind>The hostname or ip address to listen for connections on [env: BIND=] [default:]
--key, -k <key>Encryption key to use for on-disk encryption [env: KEY=]
--kvs-ca <kvs-ca>Path to the CA file used when connecting to the remote KV store [env: KVS_CA=]
--kvs-crt <kvs-crt>Path to the certificate file used when connecting to the remote KV store [env: KVS_CRT=]
--kvs-key <kvs-key>Path to the private key file used when connecting to the remote KV store [env: KVS_KEY=]
--log, -l <log>The logging level for the database server [env: LOG=] [default: info] [possible values: warn, info, debug, trace, full]
--pass, -p <pass>The master password for the database [env: PASS=]
--strict, -s <strict>Whether strict mode is enabled on this database instance [env: STRICT=]
--user, -u <user>The master username for the database [env: USER=] [default: root]
--web-crt <web-crt>Path to the certificate file for encrypted client connections [env: WEB_CRT=]
--web-key <web-key>Path to the private key file for encrypted client connections [env: WEB_KEY=]