
Manage farms of symbolic links


-n, --noDo not perform any operations that modify the filesystem; merely show what would happen
-d, --dir <DIR>Set the stow directory to 'DIR' instead of the current directory. This also has the effect of making the default target directory be the parent of 'DIR'
-t, --target <DIR>Set the target directory to 'DIR' instead of the parent of the stow directory
-v, --verbose <level>Send verbose output to standard error describing what Stow is doing. Verbosity levels are from 0 to 5; 0 is the default. Using '-v' or '--verbose' increases the verbosity by one; using `--verbose=N' sets it to N
-S, --stowStow the packages that follow this option into the target directory. This is the default action and so can be omitted if you are only stowing packages rather than performing a mixture of stow/delete/restow actions
-D, --deleteUnstow the packages that follow this option from the target directory rather than installing them
-R, --restowRestow packages (first unstow, then stow again). This is useful for pruning obsolete symlinks from the target tree after updating the software in a package
  • Dangerous 💥
--no-foldingDisable folding of newly stowed directories when stowing, and refolding of newly foldable directories when unstowing
--ignore <REGEX>Ignore files ending in this Perl regex
--defer <REGEX>Don't stow files beginning with this Perl regex if the file is already stowed to another package
--override <REGEX>Force stowing files beginning with this Perl regex if the file is already stowed to another package
--dotfilesEnable special handling for 'dotfiles' (files or folders whose name begins with a period) in the package directory. If this option is enabled, Stow will add a preprocessing step for each file or folder whose name begins with 'dot - ', and replace the 'dot- ' prefix in the name by a period (.). This is useful when Stow is used to manage collections of dotfiles, to avoid having a package directory full of hidden files
-V, --versionShow Stow version, and exit
-h, --helpShow Stow command syntax, and exit