stat <file...>

Display file status


fileFile(s) to stat


-FAs in ls(1), display a slash ('/') immediately after each pathname that is a directory, an asterisk ('*') after each that is executable, an at sign ('@') after each symbolic link, a percent sign ('%') after each whiteout, an equal sign ('=') after each socket, and a vertical bar ('|') after each that is a FIFO. The use of -F implies -l
-LUse stat(2) instead of lstat(2). The information reported by stat will refer to the target of file, if file is a symbolic link, and not to file itself. If the link is broken or the target does not exist, fall back on lstat(2) and report information about the link
-f <format>Display information using the specified format; similar to printf(3) formats in that they start with %, are then followed by a sequence of formatting characters, and end in a character that selects the field of the struct stat which is to be formatted
-lDisplay output in 'ls -lT' format
-nDo not force a newline to appear at the end of each piece of output
-qSuppress failure messages if calls to stat(2) or lstat(2) fail. When run as 'readlink', error messages are automatically suppressed
-rDisplay raw information. That is, for all the fields in the stat structure, display the raw, numerical value (for example, times in seconds since the epoch, etc.)
-sDisplay information in 'shell output' format, suitable for initializing variables
-t <timefmt>Display timestamps using the specified format. This format is passed directly to strftime(3)
-xDisplay information in a more verbose way as known from some Linux distributions