st2 execution list

Get the list of the 50 most recent action executions


-h, --helpShow this help and exit
-t, --token <TOKEN>Access token for user authentication. Get ST2_AUTH_TOKEN from the environment variables by default
--api-key <API_KEY>Api Key for user authentication. Get ST2_API_KEY from the environment variables by default
-j, --jsonPrint output in JSON format
-y, --yamlPrint output in YAML format
-n, --last <LAST>List N most recent; use -n -1 to fetch the full result set
-s, --sort <SORT_ORDER>Sort action executions by start timestamp, asc|ascending (earliest first) or desc|descending (latest first)
-tg, timestamp-gt <TIMESTAMP_GT>Only return executions with timestamp greater than the one provided. Use time in the format '2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z'
-tl, timestamp-lt <TIMESTAMP_LT>Only return executions with timestamp lower than the one provided. Use time in the format '2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z'
-l, --showallShow all attributes
--attr <ATTR...>List of attributes to include in the output. 'all' or unspecified will return all attributes
-w, --width <WIDTH...>Set the width of the columns in output
--action <ACTION>Action reference to filter the list
--status <STATUS>Only return executions with the provided status. Possible values are 'succeeded', 'running', 'scheduled', 'paused', 'failed', 'canceling' or 'canceled'
-u, --user <USER>User under which to run the action (admins only)
--trigger_instance <TRIGGER_INSTANCE>Trigger instance id to filter the list