spring init

Initialize a new project using Spring Initializr


-a, ---artifact-id <Name>Project coordinates
-b, --boot-version <Version>Spring Boot version
--build <System>Build system to use
-d, --dependencies <Dependencies...>Comma-separated list of dependency identifiers to include in the generated project
--description <description>Project description
-f, --force
  • Dangerous 💥
--format <Format>Format of the generated content
-g, --group-id <Group ID>Project coordinates
-j, --java-version <Version>Language level
--listList the capabilities of the service
-n, --name <Name>Project name
-p, --packaging <Packaging>Project packaging
--package-name <Name>Package name
-t, --type <Type>Project type
--target <URL>URL of the service to use
-v, --version <Version>Project version
-x, --extractExtract the project archive. Inferred if a location is specified without an extension