sips <file>

Scriptable image processing system




-g, --getProperty <key>Output the property value for key to stdout
-s, --setProperty <key> <value>Set a property value for key to value
-d, --deleteProperty <key>Remove a property value for key
-X, --extractTag <tag> <tagFile>Extract a profile tag element to tagFile
--verifyVerify any profile problems and log output to stdout
-x, --extractProfile <profile>Get the embedded profile from image and write it to profile
--deleteTag <tag>Remove the tag element from a profile
--copyTag <srcTag> <dstTag>Copy the srcTag element of a profile to dstTag
--loadTag <tag> <tagFile>Set the tag element of a profile to the contents of tagFile
--repairRepair any profile problems and log output to stdout
-e, --embedProfile <profile>Embed profile in image
-E, --embedProfileIfNone <profile>Embed profile in image only if image doesn't have a profile
-m, --matchTo <profile>Color match image to profile
-M, --matchToWithIntent <profile> <intent>Color match image to profile with rendering intent perceptual | relative | saturation | absolute
--deleteColorManagementPropertiesDelete color management properties in TIFF, PNG, and EXIF dictionaries
-r, --rotate <degreesCW>
-f, --flip <axis>
-c, --cropToHeightWidth <pixelsH> <pixelsW>Crop image to fit specified size
-p, --padToHeightWidth <pixelsH> <pixelsW>Pad image with pixels to fit specified size
-padColor <hexcolor>Use this color when padding. White=FFFFFF, Red=FF0000, Default=Black=000000
-z, --resampleHeightWidth <pixelsH> <pixelsW>Resample image at specified size. Image apsect ratio may be altered
--resampleWidth <pixelsW>Resample image to specified width
--resampleHeight <pixelsH>Resample image to specified height
-Z, --resampleHeightWidthMax <pixelsWH>Resample image so height and width aren't greater than specified size
-i, --addIcon <icon>Add a Finder icon to image file
--debugEnable debugging output
-h, --helpShow help
-H, --helpPropertiesShow help for properties
--manGenerate man pages
-v, --versionShow the version
--formatsShow the read/write formats