serverless invoke local

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--function, -f <function>
  • Required ✳
--path, -p <path>Path to JSON or YAML file holding input data
--data, -d <input>Input data
--rawFlag to pass input data as a raw string
--context <package>Context of the service
--contextPath <path>Path to JSON or YAML file holding context data
--env, -e <--env VAR1=val1 --env VAR2=val2>Override environment variables. e.g. --env VAR1=val1 --env VAR2=val2
--region, -r <region>Region of the service
--aws-profile <profile name>AWS profile to use with the command
--app <app>Dashboard app
--org <org>Dashboard org
--use-local-credentialsRely on locally resolved AWS credentials instead of loading them from Dashboard provider settings (applies only to services integrated with Dashboard)
--config, -c <.yml file>Path to serverless config file
--stage, -s <stage>Stage of the service
--help, -hShow help
--versionShow version info