robot <robot script...>

CLI for running Robot Framework automation tests


robot script


-h, -?, --helpPrint usage instructions
--rpaTurn on the generic automation mode. Mainly affects terminology so that "test" is replaced with "task" in logs and reports
-F, --extension <extension>Parse only files with this extension when executing a directory
-N, --name <name>Set a name of the top level suite
-D, --docSet a documentation of the top level suite
-M, --metadata <name:value>Set metadata of the top level suite
-G, --settag <tag>Sets given tag to all executed tests
-t, --test <name>Select tests by name or by long name containing also parent suite name like `Parent.Test`
--task <name>Alias to --test. Especially applicable with --rpa
-s, --suite <name>Select suites by name
-i, --include <tag>Select test cases by tag
-e, --exclude <tag>Select test cases not to run by tag
-R, --rerunfailed <output file>Select failed tests from an earlier output file to be re-executed
-S, --rerunfailedsuites <output file>Select failed suites from an earlier output file to be re-executed
--runemptysuiteExecutes suite even if it contains no tests
--skip <tag>Tests having given tag will be skipped
--skiponfailure <tag>Tests having given tag will be skipped if they fail
-v, --variable <variable>Set variables in the test data
-V, --variablefile <file>Python or YAML file file to read variables from
-d, --outputdir <directory>Where to create output files. The default is the directory where tests are run from
-o, --output <file>XML output file relative to --outputdir unless given as an absolute path. Default: output.xml
-l, --log <file>HTML log file. Can be disabled by giving a special value `NONE`. Default: log.html
-r, --report <file>HTML report file. Can be disabled with `NONE` similarly as --log. Default: report.html
-x, --xunit <file>XUnit compatible result file. Not created unless this option is specified
-b, --debugfile <file>Debug file written during execution. Not created unless this option is specified
-T, --timestampoutputsAdds timestamp in a format `YYYYMMDD-hhmmss` to all generated output files between their basename and extension
--splitlogSplit the log file into smaller pieces that open in browsers transparently
--logtitle <title>Title for the generated log file. The default title is `<SuiteName> Log.`
--reporttitle <title>Title for the generated report file. The default title is `<SuiteName> Report`
--reportbackground <colors>Background colors to use in the report file. Given in format `passed:failed:skipped` where the `:skipped` part can be omitted
--maxerrorlines <lines>Maximum number of error message lines to show in report when tests fail. Default is 40, minimum is 10 and `NONE` can be used to show the full message
--maxassignlength <characters>Maximum number of characters to show in log when variables are assigned. Zero or negative values can be used to avoid showing assigned values at all. Default is 200
-L, --loglevel <level>Threshold level for logging
--suitestatlevel <level>How many levels to show in `Statistics by Suite` in log and report
--tagstatinclude <tag>Include only matching tags in `Statistics by Tag` in log and report
--tagstatexclude <tag>Exclude matching tags from `Statistics by Tag`
--tagstatcombine <tags:name>Create combined statistics based on tags. These statistics are added into `Statistics by Tag`
--tagdoc <pattern:doc>Add documentation to tags matching the given pattern
--tagstatlink <pattern:link:title>Add external links into `Statistics by Tag`. Pattern can use `*`, `?` and `[]` as wildcards
--expandkeywords <pattern>Matching keywords will be automatically expanded in the log file
--removekeywords <pattern>Remove keyword data from the generated log file
--flattenkeywords <pattern>Flattens matching keywords in the generated log file
--listener <class>A class for monitoring test execution. Gets notifications e.g. when tests start and end
--nostatusrcSets the return code to zero regardless of failures in test cases. Error codes are returned normally
--dryrunSets the return code to zero regardless of failures in test cases. Error codes are returned normally
-X, --exitonfailureStops test execution if any test fails
--exitonerrorStops test execution if any error occurs when parsing test data, importing libraries, and so on
--skipteardownonexitCauses teardowns to be skipped if test execution is stopped prematurely
--randomize <type>Randomizes the test execution order
--prerunmodifier <class>Class to programmatically modify the suite structure before execution
--prerebotmodifier <class>Class to programmatically modify the result model before creating reports and logs
--console <type>How to report execution on the console
-., --dottedShortcut for `--console dotted`
--quietShortcut for `--console quiet`
-W, --consolewidth <chars>Width of the console output. Default is 78
-C, --consolecolors <option>Use colors on console output or not
-K, --consolemarkers <option>Show markers on the console when top level keywords in a test case end
-P, --pythonpath <path>Additional locations (directories, ZIPs) where to search libraries and other extensions when they are imported
-A, --argumentfile <path>Text file to read more arguments from. Use special path `STDIN` to read contents from the standard input stream
--versionPrint version information