qodana scan

Scan a project with Qodana


-a, --analysis-id <string>Unique report identifier (GUID) to be used by Qodana Cloud
-b, --baseline <string>Provide the path to an existing SARIF report to be used in the baseline state calculation
--baseline-include-absentInclude in the output report the results from the baseline run that are absent in the current run
--cache-dir <string>Override cache directory (default <userCacheDir>/JetBrains/<linter>/cache)
-c, --changesOverride the docker image to be used for the analysis
--clear-cacheClear the local Qodana cache before running the analysis
--disable-sanitySkip running the inspections configured by the sanity profile
-e, --env <stringArray>
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--fail-threshold <string>Set the number of problems that will serve as a quality gate. If this number is reached, the inspection run is terminated with a non-zero exit code
-l, --linter <string>Override linter to use
--port <int>Port to serve the report on (default 8080)
--print-problemsPrint all found problems by Qodana in the CLI output
-n, --profile-name <string>Profile name defined in the project
-p, --profile-path <string>Path to the profile file
-i, --project-dir <string>Root directory of the inspected project (default ".")
--property <stringArray>Set a JVM property to be used while running Qodana using the --property property.name=value1,value2,...,valueN notation
-o, --results-dir <string>Override directory to save Qodana inspection results to (default <userCacheDir>/JetBrains/<linter>/results)
--run-promo <string>Set to 'true' to have the application run the inspections configured by the promo profile; set to 'false' otherwise (default: 'true' only if Qodana is executed with the default profile)
-s, --save-reportGenerate HTML report (default true)
--script <string>Override the run scenario (default "default")
--send-reportSend the inspection report to Qodana Cloud, requires the '--token' option to be specified
-w, --show-reportServe HTML report on port
--skip-pullSkip pulling the latest Qodana container
-d, --source-directory <string>Directory inside the project-dir directory must be inspected. If not specified, the whole project is inspected
--stub-profile <string>Absolute path to the fallback profile file. This option is applied in case the profile was not specified using any available options
-u, --user <string>User to run Qodana container as. Please specify user id – '$UID' or user id and group id $(id -u):$(id -g). Use 'root' to run as the root user (default: the current user)
-v, --volume <string>
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