
Install and Run Python Applications in Isolated Environments


installInstall a package
injectInstalls packages to an existing pipx-managed virtual environment
upgradeUpgrade a package in a pipx-managed Virtual Environment by running 'pip install --upgrade PACKAGE'
upgrade-allUpgrades all packages within their virtual environments by running 'pip install --upgrade PACKAGE'
uninstallUninstalls a pipx-managed Virtual Environment by deleting it and any files that point to its apps
uninstall-allUninstall all pipx-managed packages
reinstallReinstalls a package
reinstall-allReinstalls all packages
listList packages and apps installed with pipx
runDownload the latest version of a package to a temporary virtual environment, then run an app from it
runpipRun pip in an existing pipx-managed Virtual Environment
ensurepathEnsure directory where pipx stores apps is in your PATH environment variable
environmentPrint a list of variables used in pipx.constants
completionsPrint instructions on enabling shell completions for pipx


--help, -hShow help for pipx