ngrok tls <port>
Start a TLS tunnel
Name | Description |
port |
Name | Description |
--log, -log <value> | Path to log file, 'stdout', 'stderr' or 'false' |
--log-format, -log-format <arg> | Log record format: 'term', 'logfmt', 'json' |
--log-level, -log-level <level> | Logging level |
--config, -config <config file> | Path to config files; they are merged if multiple |
--authtoken, -authtoken <authtoken> | authtoken identifying a user |
--region, -region <arg> | Ngrok server region [us, eu, au, ap, sa, jp, in] (default: us) |
--hostname, -hostname <hostname> | Host tunnel on custom hostname (requires DNS CNAME) |
--subdomain, -subdomain <subdomain> | Host tunnel on a custom subdomain |
--client-cas, -client-cas <certificate> | |
--crt, -crt <certificate> | |
--key, -key <certificate> |