newman run <collection>

Initiate a Postman Collection run from a given URL or path




-e, --environment <path>Specify a URL or path to a Postman Environment
-g, --globals <path>Specify a URL or path to a file containing Postman Globals
-r, --reporters [reporters]Specify the reporters to use for this run
-n, --iteration-count <n>Define the number of iterations to run
-d, --iteration-data <path>Specify a data file to use for iterations (either JSON or CSV)
--folder <path>
  • Repeatable ♾
--global-var <value>Allows the specification of global variables via the command line, in a key=value format
--env-var <value>Allows the specification of environment variables via the command line, in a key=value format
--export-environment <path>Exports the final environment to a file after completing the run
--export-globals <path>Exports the final globals to a file after completing the run
--export-collection <path>Exports the executed collection to a file after completing the run
--postman-api-key <apiKey>API Key used to load the resources from the Postman API
--bail [modifiers]Specify whether or not to gracefully stop a collection run on encountering an error and whether to end the run with an error based on the optional modifier
--ignore-redirectsPrevents Newman from automatically following 3XX redirect responses
-x, --suppress-exit-codeSpecify whether or not to override the default exit code for the current run
--silentPrevents Newman from showing output to CLI
--disable-unicodeForces Unicode compliant symbols to be replaced by their plain text equivalents
--color <value>Enable/Disable colored output (auto|on|off)
--delay-request [n]Specify the extent of delay between requests (milliseconds)
--timeout [n]Specify a timeout for collection run (milliseconds)
--timeout-request [n]Specify a timeout for requests (milliseconds)
--timeout-script [n]Specify a timeout for scripts (milliseconds)
--working-dir <path>Specify the path to the working directory
--no-insecure-file-readPrevents reading the files situated outside of the working directory
-k, --insecureDisables SSL validations
--ssl-client-cert-list <path>Specify the path to a client certificates configurations (JSON)
--ssl-client-cert <path>Specify the path to a client certificate (PEM)
--ssl-client-key <path>Specify the path to a client certificate private key
--ssl-client-passphrase <passphrase>Specify the client certificate passphrase (for protected key)
--ssl-extra-ca-certs <path>Specify additionally trusted CA certificates (PEM)
--cookie-jar <path>Specify the path to a custom cookie jar (serialized tough-cookie JSON)
--export-cookie-jar <path>Exports the cookie jar to a file after completing the run
--verboseShow detailed information of collection run and each request sent
-h, --helpDisplay help for command