Initiate a Postman Collection run from a given URL or path
-e, --environment <path>
Specify a URL or path to a Postman Environment
-g, --globals <path>
Specify a URL or path to a file containing Postman Globals
-r, --reporters [reporters]
Specify the reporters to use for this run
-n, --iteration-count <n>
Define the number of iterations to run
-d, --iteration-data <path>
Specify a data file to use for iterations (either JSON or CSV)
--folder <path>
Repeatable ♾
--global-var <value>
Allows the specification of global variables via the command line, in a key=value format
--env-var <value>
Allows the specification of environment variables via the command line, in a key=value format
--export-environment <path>
Exports the final environment to a file after completing the run
--export-globals <path>
Exports the final globals to a file after completing the run
--export-collection <path>
Exports the executed collection to a file after completing the run
--postman-api-key <apiKey>
API Key used to load the resources from the Postman API
--bail [modifiers]
Specify whether or not to gracefully stop a collection run on encountering an error and whether to end the run with an error based on the optional modifier
Prevents Newman from automatically following 3XX redirect responses
-x, --suppress-exit-code
Specify whether or not to override the default exit code for the current run
Prevents Newman from showing output to CLI
Forces Unicode compliant symbols to be replaced by their plain text equivalents
--color <value>
Enable/Disable colored output (auto|on|off)
--delay-request [n]
Specify the extent of delay between requests (milliseconds)
--timeout [n]
Specify a timeout for collection run (milliseconds)
--timeout-request [n]
Specify a timeout for requests (milliseconds)
--timeout-script [n]
Specify a timeout for scripts (milliseconds)
--working-dir <path>
Specify the path to the working directory
Prevents reading the files situated outside of the working directory
-k, --insecure
Disables SSL validations
--ssl-client-cert-list <path>
Specify the path to a client certificates configurations (JSON)
--ssl-client-cert <path>
Specify the path to a client certificate (PEM)
--ssl-client-key <path>
Specify the path to a client certificate private key
--ssl-client-passphrase <passphrase>
Specify the client certificate passphrase (for protected key)
--ssl-extra-ca-certs <path>
Specify additionally trusted CA certificates (PEM)
--cookie-jar <path>
Specify the path to a custom cookie jar (serialized tough-cookie JSON)
--export-cookie-jar <path>
Exports the cookie jar to a file after completing the run
Show detailed information of collection run and each request sent