multipass launch [image]

Create and start an Ubuntu instance


imageOptional image to launch. If omitted, then the default Ubuntu LTS will be used


--timeout <timeout>Maximum time, in seconds, to wait for the command to complete. Note that some background operations may continue beyond that. By default, instance startup and initialization is limited to 5 minutes each
-c, --cpus <cpus>Number of CPUs to allocate. Minimum: 1, default: 1
-d, --disk <disk>Disk space to allocate. Positive integers, in bytes, or with K, M, G suffix Minimum: 512M, default: 5G.
-m, --mem <mem>Amount of memory to allocate. Positive integers, in bytes, or with K, M, G suffix Minimum: 128M, default: 1G.
-n, --name <name>Name for the instance. If it is 'primary' (the configured primary instance name), the user's home directory is mounted inside the newly launched instance, in 'Home'
--cloud-init <file>Path to a user-data cloud-init configuration, or '-' forstdin
--network <spec>Add a network interface to the instance, where <spec> is in the "key=value,key=value" format
--bridgedAdds one `--network bridged` network