
Create an initial ramdisk environment


--help, -hShow help for mkinitcpio
--version, -VDisplay version information
--addhooks, -A <hooks>Add additional hooks to the image
--config, -c <config>Use config file to generate the ramdisk
--generatedir, -d <directory>Set directory as the location where the initramfs is built
--hookdir, -D <directory>Set directory as the location where hooks will be searched for when generating the image
--generate, -g <filename>Generate a CPIO image as filename
--hookhelp, -H <hookname>Output help for hookname
--kernel, -k <kernelversion>Use kernelversion, instead of the current running kernel
--listhooks, -LList all available hooks
--automods, -MDisplay modules found via autodetection
--nocolor, -nDisable color output
--uefi, -U <filename>Generate a UEFI executable as filename
--allpresets, -PProcess all presets contained in /etc/mkinitcpio.d
--preset, -p <preset>Build initramfs image(s) according to specified preset
--moduleroot, -r <root>Specifies the root directory to find modules in
--skiphooks, -S <hooks>Skip hooks when generating the image
--save, -sSaves the build directory for the initial ramdisk
--builddir, -t <tmpdir>Use tmpdir as the temporary build directory instead of /tmp
--verbose, -vVerbose output
--compress, -z <compress>Override the compression method with the compress program
--cmdline <filename>Use kernel command line with UEFI executable
--splash <filename>UEFI executables can show a bitmap file on boot
--uefistub <filename>UEFI stub image used for UEFI executable generation
--kernelimage <filename>Include a kernel image for the UEFI executable
--microcode <filename>Include microcode into the UEFI executable
--osrelease <filename>Include a os-release file for the UEFI executable