mkdocs serve

Run the builtin development server


-h, --helphelp for serve
-q, --quietSilence warnings
-v, --verboseEnable verbose output
-f, --config-file <arg>Provide a specific MkDocs config
-s, --strictEnable strict mode. This will cause MkDocs to abort the build on any warnings
-t, --theme <theme>The theme to use when building your documentation
--use-directory-urlsUse directory URLs when building pages (the default)
--no-directory-urlsDon't use directory URLs when building pages
-a, --dev-addr <IP:PORT>IP address and port to serve documentation locally (default: localhost:8000)
--live-reloadEnable the live reloading in the development server (this is the default)
--no-reloadDisable the live reloading in the development server
--dirtyreloadEnable the live reloading in the development server, but only re-build files that have changed
--watch-themeInclude the theme in list of files to watch for live reloading. Ignored when live reload is not used
-w, --watch <arg>A directory or file to watch for live reloading. Can be supplied multiple times