
Magnolia CLI is a command line interface (CLI) tool to set up and facilitate light development with Magnolia


add-availabilityThis command makes a component available to a page
create-appThis command creates a content type and an app
create-blockThis command creates a block
create-componentThis command creates a new component template
create-content-typeThis command creates a content type
create-light-moduleThis command creates a new light module in the form of a set of empty light module folders
create-pageThis command creates a new page template
create-virtual-uriThe command creates a virtual URI mapping configuration file (a YAML definition file) in the light module
customize-local-configRun this command to create a local configuration
installDownloads and installs one or more light modules from npm to the light module directory
jumpstartThis command downloads, unpacks and pre-configures a Magnolia Tomcat server together with a specific webapp
tab-completionRun the command to install or uninstall autocompletion for Magnolia CLI commands
searchSearches for Magnolia-related packages available from npm
startThis command starts up Magnolia and displays the main log file


--help, -h
  • Persistent ⚖