--address <address> | Address of the API server |
--batch <batch> | Max parallel batch reqs (default 20) |
--batch-per-host <batch-per-host> | Max parallel batch reqs per host (default 6) |
--vus, -u <vus> | Number of virtual users (default 1) |
--duration, -d <duration> | Test duration limit |
--iterations, -i <iterations> | Script total iteration limit (among all VUs) |
--stage, -s <stage> | Add a stage, as `[duration]:[target]` |
--execution-segment <execution-segment> | Add a stage, as `[duration]:[target]` |
--execution-segment-sequence <execution-segment-sequence> | The execution segment sequence |
--paused, -p <paused> | Start the test in a paused state |
--no-setup <no-setup> | Don't run setup() |
--no-teardown <no-teardown> | Don't run teardown() |
--max-redirects <max-redirects> | Follow at most n redirects (default 10) |
--rps <rps> | Limit requests per second |
--user-agent <user-agent> | User agent for http requests (default "k6/0.39.0 (https://k6.io/)") |
--http-debug <http-debug> | Log all HTTP requests and responses. Excludes body by default. To include body use '--http-debug=full' |
--insecure-skip-tls-verify <insecure-skip-tls-verify> | Skip verification of TLS certificates |
--no-connection-reuse <no-connection-reuse> | Disable keep-alive connections |
--no-vu-connection-reuse <no-vu-connection-reuse> | Don't reuse connections between iterations |
--min-iteration-duration <min-iteration-duration> | Minimum amount of time k6 will take executing a single iteration |
--throw <throw> | Throw warnings (like failed http requests) as errors |
--blacklist-ip <blacklist-ip> | Blacklist an ip range from being called |
--block-hostnames <block-hostnames> | Block a case-insensitive hostname pattern, with optional leading wildcard, from being called |
--summary-trend-stats <summary-trend-stats> | Define stats for trend metrics (response times), one or more as 'avg,p(95),...' (default 'avg,min,med,max,p(90),p(95)') |
--summary-time-unit <summary-time-unit> | Define the time unit used to display the trend stats. Possible units are: 's', 'ms' and 'us' |
--system-tags <system-tags> | Only include these system tags in metrics (default "proto,subproto,status,method,url,name,group,check,error,error_code,tls_version,scenario,service,expected_response") |
--tag <tag> | Add a tag to be applied to all samples, as `[name]=[value]` |
--console-output <console-output> | Redirects the console logging to the provided output file |
--discard-response-bodies <discard-response-bodies> | Read but don't process or save HTTP response bodies |
--local-ips <local-ips> | Client IP Ranges and/or CIDRs from which each VU will be making requests, e.g. ',', 'fd:1::0/120', etc |
--dns <dns> | DNS resolver configuration |
--include-system-env-vars <include-system-env-vars> | Pass the real system environment variables to the runtime (default true) |
--compatibility-mode <compatibility-mode> | JavaScript compiler compatibility mode, "extended" or "base" |
--type, -t <type> | Override test type, "js" or "archive" |
--env, -e <env> | Add/override environment variable with VAR=value |
--no-thresholds <no-thresholds> | Don't run thresholds |
--no-summary <no-summary> | Don't show the summary at the end of the test |
--summary-export <summary-export> | Output the end-of-test summary report to JSON file |
--out, -o <out> | Uri for an external metrics database |
--linger, -l <linger> | Keep the API server alive past test end |
--no-usage-report <no-usage-report> | Don't send anonymous stats to the developers |