-e, --eval <EXPRESSION> | |
-h, --help | Prints this message and exits |
-r <FILE> | Requires the given files/patterns |
-S <SCRIPT> | Finds and executes the given script in $PATH |
-pr <FILE> | |
-pa <PATH> | |
-pz <PATH> | |
-v, --version | Prints Elixir version and exits |
--app <APP> | |
--erl <SWITCHES> | |
--logger-otp-reports <BOOL> | Enables or disables OTP reporting |
--logger-sasl-reports <BOOL> | Enables or disables SASL reporting |
--no-halt | Does not halt the Erlang VM after execution |
--werl | Uses Erlang's Windows shell GUI (Windows only) |
--cookie <COOKIE> | Sets a cookie for this distributed node |
--hidden | Makes a hidden node |
--name <NAME> | Makes and assigns a name to the distributed node |
--rpc-eval <NODE> <COMMAND> | |
--sname <NAME> | Makes and assigns a short name to the distributed node |
--boot <FILE> | Uses the given FILE.boot to start the system |
--boot-var <VAR> <VALUE> | |
--erl-config <FILE> | |
--pipe-to <PIPEDIR> <LOGDIR> | Starts the Erlang VM as a named PIPEDIR and LOGDIR |
--vm-args <FILE> | Passes the contents in file as arguments to the VM |
--dot-iex <PATH> | Overrides default .iex.exs file and uses path instead; path can be empty, then no file will be loaded |
--remsh <NAME> | Connects to a node using a remote shell |