hugo deploy

Deploy your site to a Cloud provider


-h, --helphelp for deploy
--config <file>Config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
--configDir <directory path>Config dir (default 'config')
--debug <boolean>Debug output (default false)
-e, --environment <environment>Build environment
--ignoreVendor <boolean>Ignores any _vendor directory (default false)
--ignoreVendorPaths <glob pattern>Ignores any _vendor for module paths matching the given Glob pattern
--log <boolean>Enable Logging (default false)
--logFile <file>Log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
--quiet <boolean>Build in quiet mode (default false)
-s, --source <file>Filesystem path to read files relative from
--themesDir <file>Filesystem path to themes directory
-v, --verbose <boolean>Verbose output (default false)
--verboseLog <boolean>Verbose logging (default false)
--confirmAsk for confirmation before making changes to the target
--dryRunDry run
--forceForce upload of all files
--invalidateCDNInvalidate the CDN cache listed in the deployment target (default true)
--maxDeletes <int>Maximum # of files to delete, or -1 to disable (default 256)
--target <target>Target deployment from deployments section in config file; defaults to the first one