googler [keyword...]

Google from the command-line


keywordSearch keywords


-h, --helpShow this help message and exit
-s, --start <N>Start at the Nth result
-n, --count <N>Show N results
-N, --newsShow results from news section
-V, --videosShow results from videos section
-c, --tld <top-level domain>Country-specific search with top-level domain .TLD, e.g., 'in' for India
-l, --lang <language>Display in language
-g, --geoloc <CC>Country-specific geolocation search with country code CC, e.g. 'in' for India
-x, --exactDisable automatic spelling correction
--colorize <mode>Whether to colorize output which enables color when stdout is a tty device
-C, --nocolorEquivalent to --colorize=never
--colors <colors...>Set output colors
-j, --first, --luckyOpen the first result in web browser and exit
-t, --time <time limit>Time limit search [h5 (5 hrs), d5 (5 days), w5 (5 weeks), m5 (5 months), y5 (5 years)
--from <date>Starting date/month/year of date range. Can be used in conjunction with --to and overrides -t, --time
--to <date>Ending date/month/year of date range
-w, --site <site>Search a site using Google
-e, --excludeExclude site from results
--unfilterDo not omit similar results
-p, --proxy <PROXY>Tunnel traffic through an HTTP proxy
--notweakDisable TCP optimizations and forced TLS 1.2
--jsonOutput in JSON format; implies --noprompt
--url-handler <util>Custom script or cli utility to open results
--show-browser-logsDo not suppress browser output (stdout and stderr)
--np, --nopromptSearch and exit, do not prompt
-4, --ipv4Only connect over IPv4 (by default, IPv4 is preferred but IPv6 is used as a fallback)
-6, --ipv6Only connect over IPv6
-u, --upgradePerform in-place self-upgrade
--include-gitWhen used with --upgrade, get latest git master
-v, --versionShow program's version number and exit
-d, --debugEnable debugging