git-cliff <range>
A highly customizable changelog generator ⛰️
Name | Description |
range | Sets the commit range to process |
Name | Description |
--verbose, -v | Increases the logging verbosity |
--init, -i | Writes the default configuration file to cliff.toml |
--latest, -l | Processes the commits starting from the latest tag |
--current | Processes the commits that belong to the current tag |
--unreleased, -u | Processes the commits that do not belong to a tag |
--date-order | Sorts the tags chronologically |
--context | Prints changelog context as JSON |
--help, -h | Prints help information |
--version, -V | Prints version information |
--config, -c <path> | Sets the configuration file |
--workdir, -w <path> | Sets the working directory |
--repository, -r <path> | Sets the git repository |
--include-path <pattern...> | Sets the path to include related commits |
--exclude-path <pattern...> | Sets the path to exclude related commits |
--with-commit <msg...> | Sets custom commit messages to include in the changelog |
--prepend, -p <path> | Prepends entries to the given changelog file |
--output, -o <path> | Writes output to the given file |
--tag, -t <tag> | Sets the tag for the latest version |
--body, -b <template> | Sets the template for the changelog body |
--strip, -s <part> | Strips the given parts from the changelog |
--sort <sort> | Sets sorting of the commits inside sections |