gh issue list

List and filter issues in this repository


-R, --repo <repo>Select another repository using the [HOST/]OWNER/REPO format
-a, --assignee <string>Filter by assignee
-A, --author <string>Filter by author
-q, --jq <expression>Filter JSON output using a jq expression
--json <fields>Output JSON with the specified fields
-l, --label <string>Filter by labels
-L, --limit <int>Maximum number of issues to fetch (default 30)
--mention <string>Filter by mention
-m, --milestone <number>Filter by milestone number or `title`
-S, --search <query>Search issues with query
-s, --state <state>Filter by state (default "open")
-t, --template <string>Format JSON output using a Go template
-w, --webOpen the browser to list the issue(s)