
Manage Google Cloud Platform resources and developer workflow


access-context-managerManage Access Context Manager resources
active-directoryManage Managed Microsoft AD resources
ai-platformManage AI Platform jobs and models
alpha*(ALPHA)* Alpha versions of gcloud commands
anthosAnthos command Group
apigeeManage Apigee resources
appManage your App Engine deployments
artifactsManage Artifact Registry resources
assetManage the Cloud Asset Inventory
authManage oauth2 credentials for the Google Cloud SDK
beta*(BETA)* Beta versions of gcloud commands
bigtableManage your Cloud Bigtable storage
buildsCreate and manage builds for Google Cloud Build
cheat-sheetDisplay gcloud cheat sheet
cloud-shellManage Google Cloud Shell
componentsList, install, update, or remove Google Cloud SDK components
composerCreate and manage Cloud Composer Environments
computeCreate and manipulate Compute Engine resources
configView and edit Cloud SDK properties
containerDeploy and manage clusters of machines for running containers
data-catalogManage Cloud Data Catalog resources
dataflowManage Google Cloud Dataflow resources
dataprocCreate and manage Google Cloud Dataproc clusters and jobs
datastoreManage your Cloud Datastore resources
debugCommands for interacting with the Cloud Debugger
deployment-managerManage deployments of cloud resources
dnsManage your Cloud DNS managed-zones and record-sets
docker*(DEPRECATED)* Enable Docker CLI access to Google Container Registry
domainsManage domains for your Google Cloud projects
endpointsCreate, enable and manage API services
feedbackProvide feedback to the Google Cloud SDK team
filestoreCreate and manipulate Cloud Filestore resources
firebaseWork with Google Firebase
firestoreManage your Cloud Firestore resources
functionsManage Google Cloud Functions
gameManaged Cloud Game Services
healthcareManage Cloud Healthcare resources
helpSearch gcloud help text
iamManage IAM service accounts and keys
iapManage IAP policies
identityManage Cloud Identity Groups and Memberships resources
infoDisplay information about the current gcloud environment
initInitialize or reinitialize gcloud
iotManage Cloud IoT resources
kmsManage cryptographic keys in the cloud
loggingManage Cloud Logging
metaCloud meta introspection commands
mlUse Google Cloud machine learning capabilities
ml-engineManage AI Platform jobs and models
monitoringManage Cloud Monitoring dashboards
network-managementManage Network Management resources
organizationsCreate and manage Google Cloud Platform Organizations
policy-troubleshootTroubleshoot Google Cloud Platform policies
projectsCreate and manage project access policies
pubsubManage Cloud Pub/Sub topics, subscriptions, and snapshots
recommenderManage Cloud recommendations and recommendation rules
redisManage Cloud Memorystore Redis resources
resource-managerManage Cloud Resources
runManage your Cloud Run applications
sccManage Cloud SCC resources
schedulerManage Cloud Scheduler jobs and schedules
secretsManage secrets on Google Cloud
servicesList, enable and disable APIs and services
sourceCloud git repository commands
spannerCommand groups for Cloud Spanner
sqlCreate and manage Google Cloud SQL databases
surveyInvoke a customer satisfaction survey for Cloud SDK
tasksManage Cloud Tasks queues and tasks
topicGcloud supplementary help
versionPrint version information for Cloud SDK components