fd <pattern> [path...]

A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find'


patternThe search pattern - a regular expression unless '--glob' is used (optional)
pathThe root directories for the filesystem search


-H, --hiddenSearch hidden files and directories
-I, --no-ignoreDo not respect .(git|fd)ignore files
-s, --case-sensitiveCase-sensitive search (default: smart case)
-i, --ignore-caseCase-insensitive search (default: smart case)
-g, --globGlob-based search (default: regular expression)
-a, --absolute-pathShow absolute instead of relative paths
-l, --list-detailsUse a long listing format with file metadata
-L, --followFollow symbolic links
-p, --full-pathSearch full path (default: file-/dirname only)
-0, --print0Separate results by the null character
-h, --helpPrints help information
-V, --versionPrints version information
-d, --max-depth <depth>Set maximum search depth
-t, --type <filetype>
  • Repeatable ♾
-e, --extension <file extension>
  • Repeatable ♾
-x, --exec <cmd>Execute a command for each search result
-X, --exec-batch <cmd>Execute a command with all search results at once
-E, --exclude <pattern>
  • Repeatable ♾
-c, --color <when>When to use colors
-S, --size <size>Limit results based on the size of files
--changed-within <date>Filter by file modification time (newer than)
--changed-before <date>Filter by file modification time (older than)