
A pluggable and configurable code formatting platform written in Rust


initInitializes a configuration file in the current directory
fmtFormats the source files and writes the result to the file system
checkChecks for any files that haven't been formatted
configFunctionality related to the configuration file
output-file-pathsPrints the resolved file paths for the plugins based on the args and configuration
output-resolved-configPrints the resolved configuration for the plugins based on the args and configuration
output-format-timesPrints the amount of time it takes to format each file. Use this for debugging
clear-cacheDeletes the plugin cache directory
upgradeUpgrades the dprint executable
licenseOutputs the software license
helpPrints the help of the given subcommand(s)


-c, --config <config>
  • Persistent ⚖
-h, --help
  • Persistent ⚖
--plugins <urls/files>
  • Persistent ⚖
  • Repeatable ♾
  • Persistent ⚖