dart migrate

Perform null safety migration on a project


-h, --helpPrint this usage information
-v, --verboseShow additional command output
--apply-changesApply the proposed null safety changes to the files on disk
--ignore-errorsAttempt to perform null safety analysis even if the project has analysis errors
--skip-import-checkGo ahead with migration even if some imported files have not yet been migrated
--web-previewShow and interactive preview of the proposed null safety changes in a browser window. (defaults to on)
--no-web-previewDo not show and interactive preview of the proposed null safety changes in a browser window. (defaults to off)
--preview-hostname <host>Run the preview server on the specified hostname. If not specified, 'localhost' is used. Use 'any' to specify IPv6.any or IPv4.any. (defaults to the 'localhost')
--preview-port <port>Run the preview server on the specified port. If not specified, dynamically allocate a port
--summary <path>Output a machine-readable summary of migration changes
--ignore-exceptionsAttempt to perform null safety analysis even if exceptions occur
--sdk-path <sdk-path>The path to the Dart SDK