create-t3-app [dir]

A CLI for creating web applications with the t3 stack


dirThe name of the application, as well as the name of the directory to create


--noGitExplicitly tell the CLI to not initialize a new git repo in the project (default: false)
--noInstallExplicitly tell the CLI to not run the package manager's install command (default: false)
-y, --defaultBypass the CLI and use all default options to bootstrap a new t3-app (default: false)
--CIBoolean value if we're running in CI (default: false)
--tailwind <boolean>Experimental: Boolean value if we should install Tailwind CSS. Must be used in conjunction with `--CI`
--nextAuth <boolean>Experimental: Boolean value if we should install NextAuth.js. Must be used in conjunction with `--CI`
--prisma <boolean>Experimental: Boolean value if we should install Prisma. Must be used in conjunction with `--CI`
--trpc <boolean>Experimental: Boolean value if we should install tRPC. Must be used in conjunction with `--CI`
-i, --import-alias <alias>Explicitly tell the CLI to use a custom import alias
-v, --versionDisplay the version number
--help, -hDisplay help for command