
A small CLI tool to create a semantic release and git-cliff powered Changelog


--help, -h
  • Persistent ⚖
--name, -n <name>
  • Persistent ⚖
--package-path, -p <path>
  • Persistent ⚖
--dry-runWhether the package should be bumped or not. When this is set no actions will be taken and only the release strategy will be logged
--first-releaseWhether this is the first release (skips bumping the version)'
--mono-repoWhether the package to be bumped resides in a mono repo, which enables Lerna-like scanning for what kind of version bump should be applied Defaults to "true" when "org" is set, false otherwise
--no-mono-repoWhether the package to be bumped resides in a mono repo, which enables Lerna-like scanning for what kind of version bump should be applied Defaults to "true" when "org" is set, false otherwise
--org, -o <organisation>The NPM org scope that should be used. This should be WITHOUT "@" sign or trailing "/"
--preid <id>The "prerelease identifier" to use as a prefix for the "prerelease" part of a semver
--commit-message-template, -c <template>A custom commit message template to use. Defaults to "chore({{name}}): release {{full-name}}@{{new-version}}" You can use "{{new-version}}" in your template which will be dynamically replaced with whatever the new version is that will be published. You can use "{{name}}" in your template, this will be replaced with the name provided through "-n", "--name" or the same value set in your config file. You can use "{{full-name}}" in your template, this will be replaced "{{name}}" (when "org" is not provided), or "@{{org}}/{{name}}" (when "org" is provided).
--tag-template <template>A custom tag template to use. When "org" is provided this will default to "@{{org}}/{{name}}@{{new-version}}", for example "@favware/cliff-jumper@1.0.0" When "org" is not provided this will default to "v{{new-version}}", for example "v1.0.0" You can use "{{new-version}}" in your template which will be dynamically replaced with whatever the new version is that will be published. You can use "{{org}}" in your template, this will be replaced with the org provided through "-o", "--org" or the same value set in your config file. You can use "{{name}}" in your template, this will be replaced with the name provided through "-n", "--name" or the same value set in your config file. You can use "{{full-name}}" in your template, this will be replaced "{{name}}" (when "org" is not provided), or "@{{org}}/{{name}}" (when "org" is provided).
--install, -iWhether to run npm install (or your package manager's equivalent) after bumping the version but before committing and creating a git tag. This is useful when you have a mono repo where bumping one package would then cause the lockfile to be out of date
--skip-changelogWhether to skip updating your default "true" when CI=true, "false" otherwise
--no-skip-changelogWhether to skip updating your default "true" when CI=true, "false" otherwise
--skip-tag, -tWhether to skip creating a git tag default "true" when CI=true, "false" otherwise
--no-skip-tagWhether to skip creating a git tag default "true" when CI=true, "false" otherwise
--verbose, -vWhether to print verbose information
--version, -VOutput the version number