No description
Name | Description |
login | Log into a user account |
logout | Log out of the current user account |
lock | Lock the vault and destroy active session keys |
unlock | Unlock the vault and return a new session key |
sync | Pull the latest vault data from server |
generate | Generate a password/passphrase |
encode | Base 64 encode stdin |
config | Configure CLI settings |
update | Check for updates |
completion | Generate shell completions |
status | Show server details, last sync time & date, user information, and vault status |
serve | Start a RESTful API webserver |
list | Retrieves an array of objects (items, folders, collections, org-collections, org-members, organizations) from your Vault |
get | Get an object from the vault |
create | Create an object in the vault |
edit | Edit an object from the vault |
delete | Delete an object from the vault |
restore | Restores an object from the trash |
move | Transfers a Vault item to an Organization |
confirm | Confirm an object to the organization |
import | Import vault data from a file |
export | Export vault data to a CSV or JSON file |
share | --DEPRECATED-- Move an item to an organization |
send | Work with Bitwarden Sends. A Send can be quickly created using this command or subcommands can be used to fine-tune the Send |
receive | Access a Bitwarden Send from a url |
help | Display help for the Bitwarden CLI tool |
Name | Description |
--pretty |
--raw |
--response |
--cleanexit |
--quiet |
--nointeraction |
--session <session> |
-v, --version | Output BW CLI tool version number |
-h, --help | Display help for command |