browser-sync start

Start Browsersync


-s, --serverRun a Local server (uses your cwd as the web root)
--cwd <directory>Working directory
--jsonIf true, certain logs will output as json only
--serveStatic, --ss <directories>Directories to serve static files from
--port <port>Specify a port to use
-p, --proxyProxy an existing server
--wsProxy mode only - enable websocket proxying
-b, --browser <name>Choose which browser should be auto-opened
-w, --watchWatch files
--ignore <patterns>Ignore patterns for file watchers
-f, --files <paths>File paths to watch
--index <file>Specify which file should be used as the index page
--plugins <plugins>Load Browsersync plugins
--extensions <extensions>Specify file extension fallbacks
--startPath <start-path>Specify the start path for the opened browser
--singleIf true, the connect-history-api-fallback middleware will be added
--httpsEnable SSL for local development
--directoryShow a directory listing for the server
--xipUse domain routing
--tunnelUse a public URL
--open <string>Choose which URL is auto-opened (local, external or tunnel), or provide a url
--corsAdd Access Control headers to every request
-c, --config <path>Specify a path to a configuration file
--host <hostname>Specify a hostname to use
--listen <hostname>Specify a hostname bind to (this will prevent binding to all interfaces)
--logLevel <level>Set the logger output level (silent, info or debug)
--reload-delay <milliseconds>Time in milliseconds to delay the reload event following file changes
--reload-debounce <milliseconds>Restrict the frequency in which browser:reload events can be emitted to connected clients
--ui-port <port>Specify a port for the UI to use
--watchEvents <events>Specify which file events to respond to
--no-notifyDisable the notify element in browsers
--no-openDon't open a new browser window
--no-snippetDisable the snippet injection
--no-onlineForce offline usage
--no-uiDon't start the user interface
--no-ghost-modeDisable Ghost Mode
--no-inject-changesReload on every file change
--no-reload-on-restartDon't auto-reload all browsers following a restart