awsume <profile>





--help, -hShow help for awsume
--version, -vDisplay the current version of awsume
--output-profile, -o <output_profile>A profile to output credentials to
--cleanClean expired output profiles
--refresh, -rForce refresh credentials
--show-commands, -sShow the commands to set the credentials
--unset, -uUnset your aws environment variables
--auto-refresh, -aAuto refresh credentials
--kill-refresher, -kKill autoawsume
--list-profiles, -l <arg>List profiles, "more" for detail (slow)
--refresh-autocompleteRefresh all plugin autocomplete profiles
--role-arn <role_arn>Role ARN or <partition>:<account_id>:<role_name>
--principal-arn <principal_arn>Principal ARN or <partition>:<account_id>:<provider_name>
--source-profile <source_profile>Source_profile to use(role-arn only)
--external-id <external_id>External ID to pass to the assume_role
--mfa-token <mfa-token>Your mfa token
--region <region>The region you want to awsume into
--session-name <session_name>Set a custom role session name
--role-duration <role_duration>Seconds to get role creds for
--with-samlUse saml (requires plugin)
--with-web-identityUse web identity (requires plugin)
--json <json>Use json credentials
--credentials-file <credentials_file>Target a shared credentials file
--config-file <config_file>Target a config file
--config <option...>Configure awsume
--list-pluginsList installed plugins
--infoPrint any info logs to stderr
--debugPrint any debug logs to stderr
--console, -cOpen AWS console
--console-link, -clGet a sign-on url
--console-service, -cs <service>Open the console to a specific service
-cls, -csl <service>Get a sign-on url to a specific service