aws wellarchitected
AWS Well-Architected Tool This is the AWS Well-Architected Tool API Reference. The AWS Well-Architected Tool API provides programmatic access to the AWS Well-Architected Tool in the AWS Management Console. For information about the AWS Well-Architected Tool, see the AWS Well-Architected Tool User Guide
Name | Description |
associate-lenses | Associate a lens to a workload |
create-milestone | Create a milestone for an existing workload |
create-workload | Create a new workload. The owner of a workload can share the workload with other AWS accounts and IAM users in the same AWS Region. Only the owner of a workload can delete it. For more information, see Defining a Workload in the AWS Well-Architected Tool User Guide |
create-workload-share | Create a workload share. The owner of a workload can share it with other AWS accounts and IAM users in the same AWS Region. Shared access to a workload is not removed until the workload invitation is deleted. For more information, see Sharing a Workload in the AWS Well-Architected Tool User Guide |
delete-workload | Delete an existing workload |
delete-workload-share | Delete a workload share |
disassociate-lenses | Disassociate a lens from a workload. The AWS Well-Architected Framework lens (wellarchitected) cannot be removed from a workload |
get-answer | Get lens review |
get-lens-review | Get lens review |
get-lens-review-report | Get lens review report |
get-lens-version-difference | Get lens version differences |
get-milestone | Get a milestone for an existing workload |
get-workload | Get an existing workload |
list-answers | List of answers |
list-lens-review-improvements | List lens review improvements |
list-lens-reviews | List lens reviews |
list-lenses | List the available lenses |
list-milestones | List all milestones for an existing workload |
list-notifications | List lens notifications |
list-share-invitations | List the workload invitations |
list-tags-for-resource | List the tags for a resource |
list-workload-shares | List the workload shares associated with the workload |
list-workloads | List workloads. Paginated |
tag-resource | Adds one or more tags to the specified resource |
untag-resource | Deletes specified tags from a resource |
update-answer | Update the answer to a specific question in a workload review |
update-lens-review | Update lens review |
update-share-invitation | Update a workload invitation |
update-workload | Update an existing workload |
update-workload-share | Update a workload share |
upgrade-lens-review | Upgrade lens review |